Distinguished Life Fellow—American Psychiatric Association
Emeritus Fellow—American College of Psychiatrists

Committed to the Highest Standards in Clinical and Forensic Psychiatry


A. David Axelrad

A. David Axelrad, M.D., DLFAPA, FACPsych has over 45 years of distinguished service as a patient care-focused clinician. Dr. Axelrad is a practicing psychiatrist who specializes in Adult Psychiatry, Neuropsychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, Pain Medicine, Hypnotherapy, and Psychoanalysis. Since early in his practice, the collected skill and application of these six specialties have provided a restorative (therapeutic) and healing process for patients who experience psychiatric problems. Moreover, he provides hypnotherapy for patients who experience depression, anxiety, chronic medical problems, chronic pain disorders, and habit disorders.

Equally notable is Dr. Axelrad’s recognized expertise in Forensic Psychiatry. He currently provides expert forensic evaluations for persons who experience psychiatric problems as a result of personal injuries and physical injuries who require forensic psychiatric evaluations. He also provides forensic psychiatric evaluations for competency to stand trial and insanity.

Many of these forensic evaluations have involved patients who have been injured and require forensic psychiatric evaluations in legal cases involving physical and psychiatric injuries. In addition to these evaluations involving injury, Dr. Axelrad provides forensic psychiatric evaluations in cases requiring evaluations for competency to stand trial and insanity. Further, Dr. Axelrad also is retained by attorneys in cases involving family law and cases in the probate courts concerning testamentary capacity. He also is retained by attorneys in areas of professional liability and administrative proceedings requiring forensic assessments.

Throughout his career, Dr. Axelrad has played a valued role in the Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians and the American Psychiatric Association. He has also served on the medical boards in California and Texas during the course of his practice in California and Texas over the course of his career.

Among his publications, Dr. Axelrad is the Senior Author of a Chapter entitled Hypnosis in the 9th Edition of Kaplan & Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry edited by Benjamin Saddock, M.D.; Virginia Saddock, M.D.; and Pedro Ruiz, M.D., published in 2009 and 2015 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

He continues to practice in both his clinical and forensic specialties and serves on the faculty of the Menninger Department of Psychiatry, Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.

A. David Axelrad, MD & Associates